Thursday, June 11, 2009

Music cue: Tain’t What You Do
Naples, Paris, Milan, Köln, Vienna, Nice, Venice, Amsterdam.
I knew next to nothing about Britain except when they invited my father to see the first sugar factory that was built in Britain in Bury St. Edmonds. And I had just finished my secondary school and my father said, ‘If you have good results from the school you can come with me to England.’
A colleague of my father's, who worked in Budapest, he said, ‘My daughter has just spent a year in London and she is still there through the summer.’ And this girl - Annie Bergel was her name - showed me London and I don't know what other places, lots and lots of other places. And you know I think that girl returned to her family in Hungary and they all died. They took them to the concentration camps. Ja.
There was a great exhibition just outside Paris. France had lots of colonies. ‘Colonial exhibition.’ That's what it was called and we thought that would be very, very interesting to see.
There you are. All the people on the bicycle. ‘In Fischerdorf Vollendamm.’ Oh look at that. I wonder whether that still exists.

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